In 2021, things will remain different – both this year’s European Forum Alpbach and our scholarship program will need to adapt to the current circumstances. Therefore, we regret to announce that, due to the Covid-19 pandemic and the limited number of scholarship holders for EFA21, we are unable to accept new applications this year. Instead, we plan to send to EFA21 our scholarship holders from 2020, who could not attend the Forum on site.

We apologize for any inconvenience this decision may cause to you. We hope to receive many new applications next year, and to see you in our events throughout 2021!

Take care and stay safe,

The board of Club Alpbach Senza Confini

Discussions around the role of nuclear energy for power production are becoming more relevant at the global and regional level, especially within Europe. “Clean Energy” is the 7th Sustainable Development Goal (SDG), and it envisions “energy decarbonization with universal access” to bring cleaner energy to more people. In this context, nuclear energy could play a key role to help countries in the EU and in the world to stay on track with their commitments under the Paris Agreement.

Countries are called to solve a pressing dilemma: on the one side, nuclear power plants using fission technology do not produce carbon emissions but, on the other side, they present health and security challenges. How shall EU countries proceed forward with nuclear energy? Leon Cizelj, Sigrid Stagl, and Roberto Adinolfi join us to discuss this matter.

In the past, video evidence has been a trustworthy witness of reality. But can you trust your eyes in the 21st-century world that is rapidly changed by AI-based deep fakes and altered videos? Our guest was Roderick Hodgson, an experienced AI entrepreneur who founded Amber, a Startup that uses Blockchain technology to counter the threat to the truthfulness of moving imagery.
We discussed with him the current abilities and use cases of deep fakes and its destructive and constructive potential.

At the end of 2019, the European Union brought up the Green Deal, that promised to make Europe the first climate-neutral plan by 2050. Soon after, the Covid-19 pandemic caused the global economy to belly-up and set a new global agenda: how to recover the economy.We explored the topic from three different perspectives: legislation, energy transition, and biodiversity. Our speakers were Marjan Peeters, professor of Environmental Policy and Law at MaastrichtUniversity, Theresia Vogel, Managing Director of Climate and Energy Fund and Federica Pesce, associate expert on biodiversity at UNEP.

This session focused on the cooperation between Carinthia, Slovenia and Friuli-Venezia Giulia during the COVID-19 pandemic. The crisis and the closure of borders have but to the test freedom and solidarity in the Region, but have also given an incentive to cooperate more. We discussed that with Peter Kaiser, Governor of Carinthia.

We discussed the topic of Minority rights in Europe with Maja Kocijančič, Member of Cabinet of the Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement, and Petra Roter, professor and former president of the Advisory Committee on the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities.

After months of painful negotiation, the EU leaders agreed on the “New Generation EU”. But how did that come into being? How are the negotiations over the budget held? Is the budget a representation of the realpolitik of powerful European players or are small member states able to meaningfully influence the funding distribution? We discussed that with Join Mojmir Mrak, PhD, a leading expert on EU economic governance from the University of Ljubljana; and Leo Hoffman-Axthelm, the Transparency International Coordinator for transparency and democratic accountability of EU economic governance institutions.

DU würdest gerne als StipendiatIn am Forum Alpbach teilnehmen?

Wir vom Club Alpbach Senza Confini (Alpe Adria Region) und vom Club Alpbach Steiermark (vertreten von der FAN of IG Alpbach Graz) laden dich herzlich zu unserem Infoabend ein.

Erfahre, was DICH als Alpbach-KandidatIn qualifiziert und warum Alpbach für DICH ein MUSS sein sollte!

Anschließend an eine kurze Informationsrunde mit den wichtigsten Facts beantworten wir gerne alle noch offenen Fragen.

Wann? 4. 3. 2020 um 19Uhr
Wo? Seminarraum NAO 2140F Lessingstraße 25, Graz


Peter Suhodolčan in Peter Peršolja bosta predstavila štipendijski program našega kluba, ki že 17 let podeljuje štipendije za udeležbo na forumu mladim do 30. leta, ki živijo v Sloveniji, severni Italiji in na Koroškem v Avstriji, ali so v tej regiji pridobili večino svoje izobrazbe.

Na dogodku boste izvedeli več o programu foruma 202p in o pogojih ter uporabnih namigih za uspešno prijavo za štipendijo Kluba Alpbach Senza Confini, ki krije kotizacijo za dogodek v vrednosti 1.500 € ter stroške bivanja v času foruma v Alpbachu.

Kdaj? 4. 3. 2020 ob 14. uri
Kje? Rektorat UL (Kongresni trg 12), Vogalna soba
Več o tem na sledeči zavisku, kjer se boste lahko registrirali

Peter Suhodolčan, our Vice-President for Slovenia, and Peter Peršolja, CASC Active Member, were both scholarship holders in 2019. Join them on 4 March 2020 at the University of Ljubljana to find out more about EFA, Club Alpbach Senza Confini and their experience in Alpbach. CASC Alumni are welcome to join them and to share their memories and impressions of EFA!

Where? University of Ljubljana
When? 4 March 2020
Register here before 2 March 2020! 

Great news from the CASC family!

If you are interested in participating in Darwin & Marie, CASC has a sponsorship opportunity for you!

Fill in this form to apply for a scholarship for the event. Three people from the CASC family will receive a scholarship for Darwin & Marie, taking place in Vienna on 27 February 2020.

DEADLINE FOR APPLYING for the CASC sponsorship: 17 February 2020!

DARWIN & MARIE is a conference, organised by the Darwin’s Circle, and dedicated to female leadership in technology, science and innovation. It will showcase and connect founders, CEOs and managers who foster innovation and diversity.

Through DARWIN & MARIE we celebrate the efforts of Marie Curie, the Polish-French physicist and chemist, who was the first woman to win the Nobel Prize – paving the way for so many women who drive groundbreaking transformation in IT, science and innovation today.

To find out more about Darwin & Marie 2020

More about the Darwin’s Circle


We warmly thank the Darwin’s Circle for this collaboration!
Don’t miss out on this interesting event!

(All pictures are courtesy of the Darwin’s Circle)