?29 August 2019, 08:30 – 10:00

?Congress Centrum Alpbach, 6236 Alpbach (see it on Google Maps)


“Wir haben nur eine Erde. Österreich wird seinen Beitrag leisten, um sie zu schützen”.
Dieses Zitat stammt von Elisabeth Köstinger, ehemaligen Ministerin für Nachhaltigkeit & Tourismus sowie langjährige Europaabgeordnete (Schwerpunkt auf Landwirtschaft und Umweltfragen) und Vizepräsidentin des Österreichischen Bauernbundes.
Club Alpbach Salzburg, Club Alpbach Senza Confini und Club Alpbach Steiermark laden daher gemeinsam zu einem Kamingespräch mit der aus Kärnten stammenden Politikerin um über Österreichs Beitrag zum Klimaschutz und den damit verbundenen Themen nachhaltige Energie- und Landwirtschaft mit einem besonderen Fokus auf Regionalität zu sprechen.


Das Gespräch findet bei schönem Wetter bei der Loggia (Bällebad) statt. Bei Schlechtwetter wird eine allfällige Änderung der Location hier bekannt gegeben.

Wir freuen uns auf eine spannende Diskussion!

? 26 August 2019, 10:30 – 11:30

? Meadow of the Thinkers, 6236 Alpbach

We have the pleasure to invite you to a fireside talk with Clemens Wasner on the latest developments of artificial intelligence (AI) and on the current situation in Europe with regard to AI.

Clemens Wasner is the CEO of EnliteAI, an Austrian enterprise specialized in concrete applications of AI to real-world business problems. AI is a revolutionary techonology which is deemed to change our lives and life style in the upcoming years. This talk with Mr. Wasner is the perfect opportunity to discuss the latest trends, as well as the difficulties and problems arising from the application of AI to our lives and businesses.

Don’t miss out, come and join us!

? 25 August 2019, 17:00 – 18:00

? Volksschule, 6236 Alpbach

We have the pleasure to invite you to a fireside talk with Werner Wutscher on how to build innovative and competitive Startups and venture capital.

Werner Wutscher is a Member of the Board of respACT, the Austrian Business Council for Sustainable Development. He has also been working as a consultant and business angel in the start-up area. This talk with Mr. Wutscher is the perfect opportunity to have enquiries on his professional life, to discuss the latest trends related to startups and venture capital, and to get insights and best practices from a high-level senior expert on these topics.

Don’t miss out, come and join us!

?24 August 2019, 09:30 – 10:30

?Loggia, 6236 Alpbach

With the Czech & Slovak Club Alpbach, we invite you to a Fireside Talk with Jeffrey Sachs on the topic: “Transition in the Eastern Europe, particularly the rise of populism, illiberalism and xenophobia after the end of communism”.

Bread and butter will be provided. Come and join us!

? 22 August 2019, 09:30 – 10:30

? Loggia, 6236 Alpbach

We have the pleasure to invite you to a fireside talk with Oliver Vitouch on the theme “Cooperation among the Alpe-Adria universities, and the future of research in Europe”.

Mr. Vitouch is the Dean of the Alpe Adria University in Klagenfurt. From January 2015 to May 2016, he was the president of the Alps-Adriatic Rectors’ Conference. He currently serves as Acting President of “Universities Austria”, previously known as the Austrian Rectors’ Conference.

This will be the opportunity to discuss a sector which is very well know by most of our scholarship holders, and very dear to our region. In particular, it allows us to reflect on topics such as research, youth, regional cooperation, European trends in R&D. Don’t miss out, come and join us!