DU würdest gerne als StipendiatIn am Forum Alpbach teilnehmen?

Wir vom Club Alpbach Senza Confini (Alpe Adria Region) und vom Club Alpbach Steiermark (vertreten von der FAN of IG Alpbach Graz) laden dich herzlich zu unserem Infoabend ein.

Erfahre, was DICH als Alpbach-KandidatIn qualifiziert und warum Alpbach für DICH ein MUSS sein sollte!

Anschließend an eine kurze Informationsrunde mit den wichtigsten Facts beantworten wir gerne alle noch offenen Fragen.

Wann? 4. 3. 2020 um 19Uhr
Wo? Seminarraum NAO 2140F Lessingstraße 25, Graz


Peter Suhodolčan in Peter Peršolja bosta predstavila štipendijski program našega kluba, ki že 17 let podeljuje štipendije za udeležbo na forumu mladim do 30. leta, ki živijo v Sloveniji, severni Italiji in na Koroškem v Avstriji, ali so v tej regiji pridobili večino svoje izobrazbe.

Na dogodku boste izvedeli več o programu foruma 202p in o pogojih ter uporabnih namigih za uspešno prijavo za štipendijo Kluba Alpbach Senza Confini, ki krije kotizacijo za dogodek v vrednosti 1.500 € ter stroške bivanja v času foruma v Alpbachu.

Kdaj? 4. 3. 2020 ob 14. uri
Kje? Rektorat UL (Kongresni trg 12), Vogalna soba
Več o tem na sledeči zavisku, kjer se boste lahko registrirali

Peter Suhodolčan, our Vice-President for Slovenia, and Peter Peršolja, CASC Active Member, were both scholarship holders in 2019. Join them on 4 March 2020 at the University of Ljubljana to find out more about EFA, Club Alpbach Senza Confini and their experience in Alpbach. CASC Alumni are welcome to join them and to share their memories and impressions of EFA!

Where? University of Ljubljana
When? 4 March 2020
Register here before 2 March 2020! 

Great news from the CASC family!

If you are interested in participating in Darwin & Marie, CASC has a sponsorship opportunity for you!

Fill in this form to apply for a scholarship for the event. Three people from the CASC family will receive a scholarship for Darwin & Marie, taking place in Vienna on 27 February 2020.

DEADLINE FOR APPLYING for the CASC sponsorship: 17 February 2020!

DARWIN & MARIE is a conference, organised by the Darwin’s Circle, and dedicated to female leadership in technology, science and innovation. It will showcase and connect founders, CEOs and managers who foster innovation and diversity.

Through DARWIN & MARIE we celebrate the efforts of Marie Curie, the Polish-French physicist and chemist, who was the first woman to win the Nobel Prize – paving the way for so many women who drive groundbreaking transformation in IT, science and innovation today.

To find out more about Darwin & Marie 2020

More about the Darwin’s Circle


We warmly thank the Darwin’s Circle for this collaboration!
Don’t miss out on this interesting event!

(All pictures are courtesy of the Darwin’s Circle)

On 20 February 2020, we join IG Wien and other Clubs in a co-organised Infoevent in Vienna! Corina Schmiedt, the CASC President, and Nastassja Mikl, Coordinator for the CASC Scholarships, will be there!

If you would like to attend the European Forum Alpbach, if you want to share your experience at EFA, or if you simply want to spend some cozy time with friends, join us in Vienna!

Where: SNEAK IN (Siebensterngasse 12, 1070 Vienna)
When: 20 February 2020
Here’s the link to the Facebook event to stay updated!

Vertreter*innen verschiedener Alpbach Clubs und Initiativgruppen sprechen mit dir über deinen Weg aufs Europäische Forum Alpbach!

Du wolltest immer schon einmal wissen was das Europäische Forum Alpach ist? Du bist auf der Suche nach einem Stipendium, aber weißt nicht, wo du dich bewerben sollst? Du hast Fragen zum Bewerbungsprozess und zum Ablauf vor Ort?
Triff andere Alpbach-Interessierte und solche, die schon oft dort waren und tausch dich persönlich mit ihnen aus.

18:00 Uhr – Ankommen
18:30 Uhr – Opening & Vorstellung Forum Alpbach durch das Forum Alpbach Network
19:00 Uhr – Info-Stände der einzelnen Clubs starten und Alpbach Get Together

Folgende Clubs und IG’s werden anwesend sein:
Club Alpbach Burgenland
Club Alpbach Liechtenstein
Club Alpbach Niederösterreich
Club Alpbach Oberösterreich
Club Alpbach Salzburg
Club Alpbach Senza Confini
Club Alpbach Steiermark
Club Alpbach Südtirol Alto Adige
Club Alpbach Tirol
Club Alpbach Vorarlberg
Forum Alpbach Network
Initiativgruppe Alpbach Wien

Volete scoprire di più sul Forum Europeo Alpbach e sulle opportunità e le borse di studio che offriamo a studenti e giovani professionisti under 30? Allora venite ad ascoltarci martedì 18 febbraio alle 21:20, presso la sala 3.4 (terzo piano, aula 4) della Scuola Superiore del Commercio di Milano, in viale Murillo 17.

Ad accogliervi troverete il nostro Yiwei, attualmente consulente di Corporate Finance a Milano, che è stato CASC scholarship holder nell’agosto 2018!

Quando? 18/02/2020 alle 21:20
Dove? Scuola Superiore del Commercio di Milano, 3.4 (terzo piano, aula 4) – viale Murillo 17, Milano

Are you in Milan and you would like to find out more about us and our scholarships for students and young professionals? Then come and join us on Tuesday 18 February at 21:20, at the Scuola Superiore del Commercio di Milano (Viale Murillo 17, Milano).

Yiwei, now consultant for Corporate Finance in Milan and CASC scholarship holder in 2018, will be there to present Club Alpbach Senza Confini and our scholarship opportunities.

Where? 18/02/2020 at 21:20
When? Scuola Superiore del Commercio di Milano, 3.4 (third floor, room 4) – viale Murillo 17, Milano