
In 2003, Club Alpbach Senza Confini established a network of Alumni from our region, which covers Carinthia, Northern Italy, and Slovenia.

Many of them have also participated more than once in the Alpbach experience, and we always welcome their applications as returners to the European Forum Alpbach!

Even after the Alpbach experience is over, we stay in touch with our scholarship holders: we always look for the right occasion to gather and spend time together and have fun! With and for them, we organize roundtables, gatherings and hikes  during the year.

Once brilliant students and young talents coming to Alpbach for the first time, our alumni have since become professionals and experts in various fields, ranging from academia to business. Club Alpbach Senza Confini is a platform for their alumni where they can promote critical thinking and idea-sharing, gather with old friends, and bridge the business world with young talents for true borderless cooperation.


Organized events


Our Alumni network

Our past events


Path to a Sustainable Future: Nuclear Energy (Non) Essential?

CASC & UN Youth Delegate for Slovenia 25 February 2020

Kamingespräch mit Elisabeth Köstinger

?29 August 2019, 08:30 - 10:00 ?Congress Centrum, Alpbach

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